3789 Roswell Road, NE  ·  Atlanta, GA. 30342  ·  PHONE 770.644.0800  ·  FAX 770.644.0808
Welcome to LeffLaw.net
The law office of Michael G. Leff offers personalized legal services in the areas of ESTATE PLANNING and BUSINESS TRANSACTIONS to a wide range of individual and small business clients. Our OBJECTIVE is to provide our clients with professional and practical planning and counseling that facilitates rather than complicates. Our firm has the RESOURCES, the EXPERIENCE and the DESIRE to work with you to achieve your stated goals.
We invite your inquiry. We will earn your trust.
Legal notice/disclaimer The information on this web site has been prepared only for the purpose of introducing you to our law firm and the types of matters with which we deal. It is provided for general consumption and may or may not be appropriate to your individual situation. It is not intended as legal advice. Please understand that neither the posting of the material on this web site, nor your initial contact with us creates an attorney-client relationship. You are cautioned that unless and until you and we actually enter into such a relationship you should seek competent legal counsel before acting upon any information found at this site.
Thank you for your understanding and for viewing our site. The material on these pages is for personal reference only and may not be reproduced or distributed without permission of Michael Leff.
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